SSS Zero Tolerance Program is a traditional program to get our clients sober and eventually into recovery.

Zero Tolerance

Our Zero Tolerance program is a traditional program to get our client sober and eventually into recovery. Our guidelines for this program have little flexibility because for some of our clients, using is not an option for sobriety and recovery. This program takes a commitment from the client and his support group and should be for those who want to get sober and are willing to do the work.

Balanced and Fair

​Failure to adhere to any of the below will result in immediate dismissal from our Zero Tolerance Program. While this may seem harsh, for most, recovery is about life and death. Also remember, you are not the only one we are treating. If you test positive or we see that you are obviously using, you are putting others at our facility at risk. This also brings false hope to other clients that one slip is OK. It is not. Often one drink or one hit will turn into larger amounts. This will not be tolerated. We have three other programs that you can attend until you are ready and committed to be back in our Zero Tolerance program.

We encourage the following

Attend AA/NA meetings
Get a sponsor once you are attending AA/NA meetings Employment - Get a job local to our centers to help enter back into society
Adhere to rules of court, probation or doctors recommendation


We insist on the following

No alcohol
No drugs
Mandatory random drug testing (no limit)
Complete cooperation



While in Zero Tolerance program, they must not "relapse" or use alcohol or any substance (other than prescribed by Doctor and used in proper dosage). Clients must be able to take their prescriptions (self-monitored). If they relapse, one of three consequences are incurred: They are assessed and evaluated to place in one of our other Programs They are moved to a "Three Strike House" They are moved to shelter (as assessed by staff and case managers)



This program takes a commitment from the client and his support group and should be for those who want to get sober and are willing to do the work.
